ng_palette_d() and ng_palette_c() (respectively for discrete and continuous palettes) return functions that take an integer argument (the required number of colours) and return a character vector of colours' hex codes. In addition, the functions also recognize the viridis palettes: "magma" (or "A"), "inferno" ("B"), "plasma" ("C"), "viridis" ("D"), or "cividis" ("D").

ng_palette_d(name = "all", reverse = FALSE)

ng_palette_c(name = "magma", reverse = FALSE, ...)




Character name of the Nightingale (or viridis) colour palette.


Boolean indicating whether the palette should be reversed.


Additional arguments to pass to colorRampPalette()


#' # Display Nightingale's colour palettes display_ng_palettes()
# Get 4 colours along the spectrum of the nwr palette ng_palette_d("nwr")(4)
#> [1] "#323D5A" "#00C0C0" "#FFFFFF" "#FF4A4F"
# Notice that the discrete palette "light", cannot return more than 5 colours ng_palette_d("light")(6)
#> Warning: n too large, allowed maximum for palette "light" is 5
#> [1] "#C8DCF0" "#FFC9CA" "#BEF0F0" "#DCDCFF" "#78D700" "#C8DCF0"